Sunday, June 13


The Big Word Project is an effort by two individuals to expand our vocabulary. We discovered at our mutual workplace that we each share that goal. After much discussion over such forgiving entities as mulch, hellebore, and McGeary's Amish soil ammendment, we settled on this 8-week "pilot program" project. Each Monday, a word of the week will be randomly selected by means of, M-W's Word of the Day, or a random selection in the dictionary by a third party. Throughout the week we will explore that word through conversation, art and divine intervention, thereby (hopefully) completely internalizing the word as a permanent addition to our linguistic reteroire. By Sunday, we will have a post for you dear readers which represents the collective efforts of our week with the word. Aimee will share photographic images inspired by the word, and Dana will offer an interpretive text (most likely in the form of a story). At the end of 8 weeks, we will assess the effectiveness of the project and determine its continuation or termination. We hope you enjoy our work.

Aimee Fabre and Dana Nagle